Monday, September 29, 2008

My writings

It's amazing how this thing works.

I am posting more on Blogger, which is good. It does seem to be more user friendlier than AOL Blogs. I have one on there too. I also blog on Multiply. I really like that site because I am able to interact with many of my friends who are online. I am not on there much because of access at work. However when I am at my sister's house, I go over there and I log on to the site. Most of the time though, I am on myspace.

Each networking site is different and is aimed for different things. My myspace site is pretty much for the sportbike networking. I am in a motorcycle club, getting ready to buy my first bike. I try to network with as many people as I can. I love meeting peoplel and being able to hang out with those who have similar interest.

I think the more I write the better I will be. There is a fiction contest coming up in January and I plan on entering it. I entered it last year. Unfortunately I did not make the final 15. I am not giving up. Maybe one day someone will notice my work.

Until then, I will keep on writing my thoughts.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cleaning House

I'm sitting here thinking how I have to get some things straight in my life. I have been stressing out seem like for a minute. I didn't think I had been stressing out but now I know that I am. I have been breaking out in hives consistantly for over a month. Stress could be part of it if not all of it.

There have been a variety of different things going on. This summer my cousin and her boyfriend moved in with me after being put out of their place. Both of them had to get back on their feet so they can make their next move. So far things seem like they are progressing...slowly but it is progress. For me it is a big help in some ways having them there because they are helping out with the bills. I have been struggling to keep the bills current for months now. The full time job and the piece of a part time job I have is still not enough to keep things going.

I was able to find another part time job with more working hours during the week. Actually I got hired at two different places. The first one I tried out and I was really bored with the work. I mean the job was easy but I was just bored. Plus I did not know anybody there and I felt alone. So here comes this other job, not too far from the first that was hiring and I jumped at it. I went ahead and accepted the job offer there because that job had more of my type of work. I worked in a distrubuting type setting before so this helped adn the people who were in orientation with me were cool. I am waiting to find out what day we will start. I am hoping we will start this Monday so I can have a full week's pay along with my full time job. Once this is together I will be able to save up money to move into another apartment or if I am lucky find me a house. I have been in the apartment I am currently living in for 4 years and I am tired of it. Plus it seems like I played boarding house to so many people while living there that I just need to have some new space, something that is fresh off the paint.

The other thing I have to get cleaned up is my personal life or what I have of it. The guy that I am supposed to be seeing, I don't really know what to think. Both of us have been going through some hard times but at the same time I do believe any little time you can spend with each other counts for something. I'm not asking to spend every waking moment with him (for the time being) but I am only asking maybe once a month or so we go out to the movies or go out of town one weekend, even if it means taking a day trip and coming back the same day. There are so many ways now to improvise on a date to make sure you are financially able to go out. I have had SEVERAL free tickets to comedy shows, plays, and outdoor concerts. All he has to do is SHOW UP. Have your own money. I mean I have a little something to take care of something to eat. Dang. What ever happen to just chillin and having a good time? That's something that I am yearing for but maybe something ol boy might not be ready for. I don't want to analyze the thing because if I do that then I am taking too much time from myself when I could be doing other things.

I have so many thoughts to write out yet it seem not enough time. With all this blogging, I may be able to get right on that fiction project that I am going to enter at the beginning of the year.

It's about that time to end the work day and the work week. This weekend the Midlands Bikers Association is hosting Friends and Family Day. I hope it's a great turnout. I have to leave early though because I have to go to work that day. Sunday morning I am going to see "A Family That Preys" and then going to work later that afternoon.

To all on blogger have a great weekend.

Loose thoughts

Gas is now down to $3.87. I decided to go ahead and fill up but when I got to the $50 mark I was like, "No I'm stopping at $60. Period. That is what I did and that acutally got my car to the full mark. Usually I fill up until I hear the first "click" meaning that it is full. I could not get in my mind to fill up a car past $60. It's insane.

It's amazing that the price of gas really does affect all other things in our household. Filling up my car cost almost the same price as my montly light bill. Utilities can be monitored and right now, if the lights don't have to be on, they are off. It's cool enough outside where I don't have to turn on the ac during the day. Besides that no one is at home, so since that is the case, why even turn it on? I have a cell phone so that eliminates the use of a house phone. So from that aspect I am cutting all that I can.

I even had to take on another job. Tis the season of Christmas and people are going to try their best to have a Christmas dinner or celebration regardless of how the finances are. I am happy for that because the essentials have to be taken care of. I need to make sure that my car is serviced, tires are good, get rid of some old things that may be in my apartment and replace them with needed essentials, put some money aside for a rainy day. The list could go on for days.

I really had in mind to write about something else today but my mind slipped off to this. Maybe when I come back I will figure out what I really wanted to talk about. Right now I am counting down the time to get off for the weekend.