Thursday, October 23, 2008

Potluck at the Office

Today our office team members got together to hold a Fall Luncheon aka The Office Potluck. Everyone was responsible for bringing at least one item. I can cook but I don't cook that often. I can however bake just about anything.

I didn't know exactly what I was going to make. I had this old issue of Woman's World Magazine that was sitting on my desk so I picked it up to see what recipes were in there that was interesting (and easy). The Apple Pear Crumb Cake stood out so I decided to do that.

When I got home last night from work I went straight to bed. I was tired from the previous two days so I wanted to get some rest before acutally having to take on the task. Plus I had to go to the grocery store to get a few items when I got up so I wanted to be refreshed. I went to bed at 8:30pm. I woke up at 3am.

I was definitely refreshed then.

Good thing I live right at the Kroger and it's 24 hours because if it wasn't then I would have waited till about 7 to get up and get things moving. I went to the grocery store and picked up the items I needed. Then I started with the baking. Instruction number 1 says, place aluminum foil across pan...

Great. Now I need to go buy aluminum foil.

So I had to go back to the store and get a roll of aluminum foil. I got a roll big enough so it can last for a while. I start back into the baking process. Peel and dice fruit. I am looking for the pears so I can cut them and I can't find them. WHY ME??? Somewhere between the store and home I am missing two pears. Forget that I am not going back to the store and it's already 4am. So I used 2 granny smith apples instead. This ended up being the Apple Crumb cake which was cool because I had never made either one before. After mixing the ingredients and cutting up apples, I placed the mixture in the oven to bake. After 30 minutes I took it out so that I could add the crumb topping on top. This baked for 25 minutes more. At 6:00am I was finished. I pulled the cake out of the oven so it could cool. Meanwhile I went upstairs and got back in the bed.

At 8am, Symoan woke me up asking if I could drop her off at work cause her car still wasn't acting right. So much for getting a longer nap. So I took her to work, came back about 15 minutes later and sprinkled the top of the cake with confectioner's sugar. I wrapped it back up and attempted to get another nap. Of course this did not work out before the 9:00 hour because I know my phone rang at least 15 times (most of the calls being Symoan). I got up and got dressed for work, with Symoan calling AGAIN before 9:30. This time to pick her up from work because she did get in contact with the auto shop and they were going to fix her car today. GLORY!!! This might not stop her calling so much in the morning but that sure will cut down on the excessive driving I had to do this week. Not complaining cause I might need the same favor you know? So I go pick her up, bring her back to the apartment and she gets her car. I then go back in the house, get the apple crumb cake, and it's off to work for me.

I get to work on time at 10:30am. The potluck started at 11:30am. The cake was an instant hit among the co-workers. My supervisor said she was hoping I was going to bake a cake because last year at the Christmas party I baked an double peanut butter pound cake. Luckily no one was allergic to peanut or peanut products (cause I sure didn't think about that till AFTER I brought the cake to the office). That cake didn't last half the day the way they been gobbling it up.

Besides the cake, we also had baked spagetti (with ground turkey meat), fruit and veggie tray, peach cobbler, spinach dip, garlic bread, sodas, and strawberry-lemonade-soaring strawberry lemonade Koolaid (that is three types of koolaid yall). That koolaid was on the money. As I'm typing right now I am sipping on some koolaid!!!

As I would guess, Symoan called this afternoon asking was there any cake left. WOW!!! I told her I would make one for the house on Sunday since that is the one day I have that I can really spend time in the kitchen. She is happy with that but is still hoping if there is even a smidget of cake left by the end of the night, I will bring it home. *laughs*. Lawd,imagine my dear cousin sitting on the outside of the apartment waiting for the apple crumb cake...LMAO!!! Let me stop. The day is good so far, and hopefully it will continue into the rest of the evening.

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